Monday, January 28, 2008

Well, Can You?

Can You Stick It In Your Ear--- is a Blog is intended for the promotion, advocation and open domination of inner, outer and middle ear. This is a call for the surge of sound based art. (Yes, brethren, we strive for the overall betterment of the cochlea and its neighbors!)

Please feel free to post interesting work, and/or links to other interesting auditory pleasures... including sound bites, snip-its, essays, commentary... information about shows, articles, theories, programs, software, editing software, shocking auditory breakthroughs, strange rumors, sound-artists, noise enthusiasts...

(I think it will fit!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Check this out...
Radiolariax: signal and wave hunting
The hunt for weird radio signals and other electromagnetic waves with small, cheap modified radios, cassette players, walkie-talkies, mp3 players, dictaphones, babyphones, pc speakers, vacuum cleaners and particle accelerators.