Monday, February 11, 2008

Matmos and the gateway to the Transmodern

Well, I'll tell you all and gather 'round...Our trek ended in a small warehouse looking apartment building in Baltimore, MD.
With one press of the buzzer we were let into the building and ascended to the sixth floor. There we were met by jugglers and a woman that explained to us that we could buy tickets for a raffel and that all proceeds would go towards benifiting the Transmodern Festival taking place in April. The Transmodern Festival will be an interesting mix of performance art, sound/music and video/film presentations. Unfortunately, the photo kids will be in NYC from the 3rd of April until the 5th/6th, so we will miss it but I encourage any of you, my fair readers to carpool and art it up! guaranteed to not be stodgy.
The fundraising event that we attended on Saturday was full of art noise, performance, and recitals. All around were adhock buskers who would do any task for a dollar or convey/participate in a kiss. The latter of the two held a sign held high that read "kiss a tranny!"
One of the highlights of the evening was a person dressed as a long lamprey like worm who sang a haunting tune against a white sheet. Following this set was Matmos who you can read more biographical info in Jennidas post. The set was pretty amazing! What with all the strange videos of cigarette burns and drumming with bouquets of roses one might not think that a haircut was on the menu. Their set of constructed sound musical stuff included the sounds of hair shearing as it cruzed off the head of an onlooker. I think that is what impressed me the most. It certainly was the most audibly pleasurable haircutting I have ever witnessed. Just to let you know!

1 comment:

jumpcutjen said...

I seriously nearly peed my pants in joy! (hehe)